Healing Resonance

Our Story


Healing Resonance

Our Ethos


We are firm believers that the human body is an inherent miracle of nature, able to heal itself of any illnesses if it is not abused and nourished with the right nutrients through wholesome, natural food.  


It was Hippocrates the Father of Medicine who espouses “Let food be thy medicine and thy food be the medicine” which can be taken to mean that the right wholesome food taken at the right time can form the basis of the prevention and treatment of illnesses.

However, we do live in an increasingly toxic world today where we are constantly exposed to toxic stressors from air, food, water and environment.

Getting healthy today is made more challenging today than it was in previous generations.

Consuming wholesome food alone is no longer sufficient, we need to aid the human body to remove toxic stressors so it can fix and heal itself, unimpeded as Nature intended.  

Bioresonance therapy is a natural form of therapy using beneficial frequencies already found around in Nature to aid the human body to become more efficient and in that process, resulting in better health.


Our Belief

We firmly believe good health is our natural state of being and it is possible to heal naturally using what nature provides us.   


Healing Resonance

Who We Are


Jovie Lim | Singapore

Founder of Healing Resonance Asia

Jovie had started her career the corporate world, but found her calling when she was introduced to Bioresonance Therapy in 2008. During that time, she was suffering from chronic fatigue, severe sinusitis which led to sleep apnea, and debilitating menstrual pains which often resulted in vomiting and diarrhea. She knew she had to take charge of her health again. Fascinated by the science behind the Bioresonance technology, she decided to learn more about Bioresonance Therapy in Australia and Germany, and eventually became a practitioner in 2009. She was amazed by how she felt after the therapy, and her health problems disappeared one by one after several months of treatment.

Now, with many years of experience in the field of Bioresonance, Jovie brings a wealth of knowledge in treating skin conditions such as eczema, Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome (TSW), sinusitis, asthma, migraines and others…

Besides running after her 2 little scamps, Jovie stays active by playing a sport called Underwater Hockey several times a week.



Kieren Lim | Malaysia

Co-Founder of Healing Resonance


Kieren worked in brand marketing for 22 years before he decided to pursue his real passion in holistic medicine and alternative healing. However, being trained in the corporate world where logic and analytics takes precedence, he was looking for a natural healing method that is science based. He found the right fit with bioresonance as it produces measurable results that is science and fact based. Kieren obtained his bioresonance training in Australia and Germany and now operates Healing Resonance in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  


Regain your health the natural way.

Share with us and let us guide you through
what it takes to start healing today!