Skin Problems

** These are the experiences of individuals, your results may vary.

Don't suffer from this unbearable condition. Many skin conditions can be treated naturally with Bioresonance Therapy. These are actual and original photos of our patients.


2-Year-Old Boy

Our success story with before and after pictures of the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy is evident. We have a high success rate in treating eczema, and other skin problems with no drugs and no pain.

2 year old boy with severe eczema on the face. His wounds were constantly weeping, and he had taken multiple doses of conventional medication. He was already on very restrictive/healthy diet and yet he was not healing. From our diagnosis, we've found that his kidney meridians were very weak. That was why the more medications he took, the worse he became. After several sessions to balance his kidneys and intestines meridians with bioresonance therapy, the results were astonishing as seen in the 'after' photo. **

Mr T, 60 Years Old

Psoriasis is a difficult skin problem to resolve but we manage to reduce the severity of Mr. T's psoriasis. Mr T, who is a 60 year old taxi driver drunk unfiltered water from his plastic bottle for years and as a taxi driver, he often left this bottled water in the hot sun for hours. We did a kidney detox with heavy metals using urine and other bioresonance programs to help the body rid itself of the toxicity and the visual results of before and after is proof enough that bioresonance works. It gives us so much meaning and fulfillment to see how this is actually helping people with 'untreatable' health issues. **

17 Year Old College Student

This 17 year old college student with eczema around the neck. Extremely dry, flaky and itchy skin. After a month of Bioresonance Therapy and diet correction, her neck eczema improved. **

Hand Eczema
40 Years Old

This man is in his early 40’s. Hand eczema. Only after 6 weeks of Bioresonance Therapy, his skin had visible improvement. **

Mr G, 48 Years Old

Eczema affects adults too and the causes can be multiple factors. Mr G is 48 and came to us with a burning sensation and unbearable itch on his face. We treated him for skin fungus and candida albican in the gut. Those were the two main causes in this case and we neutralised these and balanced the pathological points of the intestines and liver using Bioresonance. Took about 2 months of weekly treatment. Mr G has almost smooth skin now. **

Weeping eczema on face

This child was 6 years old when she was brought to us by her parents. She started developing eczema from the age of 2. It progressively worsened and she was prescribed, among other things, multiple courses of antibiotics and topical steroid creams with no improvement.

As a consequence of her skin condition, she was unable to sleep at night due the itching. Showers were torture as she had multiple open wounds all over her body from violent scratching.

She is now much improved, after diet correction was made after the food intolerance test and Bioresonance Therapy bi-weekly for a year. **


Feet Eczema

This lady in her late 30’s came to us with severe eczema on the hands and feet. Hospitalized multiple times for the severe infections and was given heavy doses of oral steroids and injections to control the eczema. Was almost put on immune-suppressing medications until she decided to seek alternative treatment. When she came to see us, she could hardly walk properly due to the wet and weepy wounds. Through our food intolerance test, she changed her diet and had undergone Bioresonance Therapy for 9 months. She is presently well and symptom free. **


Ms H has hyperthyroid and hives since last February 2019. She went to an allergy specialist and dermatologist but the anti histamines and creams only provided intermediate relief. Her allergy test results shows an allergy to house mites. She had spent thousands changing her bed, linen, got rid of carpets but it still didn’t help with her hives. The hives came back thick and with a vengeance after the prescribed medication wears off.

Using natural electrical wave frequencies and measuring her pathological meridian points with bio-resonance, we treated her hormonal system, did an inversion therapy of gluten, yeast, candida, milk and mites which she tested positive for together with histamine and anti inflammatory programs. Below is the before and after visuals of her hives after only 6 treatments with us. She also reported a visible reduction in itch and intensity of the hives breakouts.


“I went on an ocean sea cruise to the US and we had many meals of fresh seafood, including big crabs that weigh up to 3kgs. Every meal was a seafood delight… I must have had one too many because when I came back to Malaysia, my nightmare started. I suffered from a breakout of hives on both my legs, they were extremely itchy and red welts appear on the skin, particularly during the late evenings and early mornings. I could not sleep and the anti histamines given by the many doctors I have seen were only of temporary help. My husband found Healing Resonance on Google and we decided to give it a try. I signed up for the 5 sessions package. After the 1st session, I can already feel the immediate difference, my itch has reduced in intensity and by the 4th session, I was already healed completely. I couldn’t believe such an amazing medical device exists! I didn’t have to take any medicine, no creams and it was totally pleasant to do the therapy. I highly recommend this therapy as it is all natural”


Alyndia Neo, 10  - Testimony by Mother Lily Tan - Year 2010

3 years ago, our daughter Alyndia was diagnosed by the dermatologist1st with weeping eczema which caused unbearable itch. It started with a small patch on her shins (front of legs), but it got worse and had spread to the back of her thighs, then the whole body. She would wake up in the middle of the night to scratch till the skin breaks and bleed, just to attain relief. Unfortunately the open wounds had become wet and infected, causing more itch. It was truly heart-breaking, to see her suffer like that. I felt really helpless, as we’ve tried everything! Fortunately through my husband’s colleague, we found out about Bioresonance Therapy.  

Alyndia was diagnosed with milk intolerance, and heavy metal toxicity which had burdened the liver. We were told that her liver energy was very low, hence could not process toxins effectively. On hindsight, these toxins could have come from the exposure to her new furniture, which may have been laced with chemicals to treat the wood; these toxins were found on Alyndia’s system through the Bioresonance device.   

She also has mild constipation, which we thought was normal until advised otherwise by the therapist. We started her on Bioresonance and nutritional therapy immediately. After just 2 treatments, there was significant improvement on the skin. The weeping wounds had started to dry up and scabs had formed, and by the 3rd treatment the scabs started falling off, revealing a new layer of skin. 

That was about a year ago, Alyndia is still healthy today. We are very happy with the results, and most importantly, I now have peace of mind and not worry about her health.**

Our other patients saw improvements too - From 2009 - PRESENT DAY

12 year old girl
(Testimony from her mother - Lilian) - Year 2009

Our daughter started having eczema when she was 9 years old. She would break out in itchy patches all over her body.  There were also times when she complained that her body itched but there were no obvious rashes. We were perplexed as there were no obvious triggers.  The whole family ate the same kind of food and was exposed to the same environmental hazards.

Things came to a head when she was 10 years old. She started waking up in the middle of the night and complained of extreme itch.  It was so unbearable that she cried and screamed uncontrollably. The whole family would wake up to help her soothe her itch.  As soon as she managed to doze off to sleep due to extreme exhaustion, she would wake up again to another bout of itch. It was torturous not only to her but also to the whole family as we all suffered from sleep deprivation.   We consulted both National Skin Centre and KKH where various allergen tests were conducted. Nothing significant came up. On the doctor’s advice, bed sheets and curtains were washed and scoured in hot water. Plush soft toys were put away and the house was swept and mopped more regularly.  Her usual sinus problems improved marginally but her itch continued. After six months in which she was given different types of creams to apply, we gave up going to National Skin Centre as we did not want her to be subjected to too much steroid cream. She continued to wake up in the night crying. The skin broke all over her arms, legs and torso, and the sores were difficult to heal. The bed sheets were often stained with blood from her wounds.

At that time, we turned to enzyme therapy as well as taking wholesome and organic food.  After several weeks of such discipline, although she stopped waking up crying and screaming in the middle of the night, she still woke up at times in the night to scratch herself subconsciously.  Her sleep was still broken and started having prolonged headaches.  She put up with these open sores and headaches for a year until we found out about bio-resonance therapy.

We were a little dubious as well as intrigued with Bioresonance Therapy when we got to know how it worked.  Since we were desperate, we were willing to try anything. At the center, our daughter was diagnosed with food allergies and environmental allergies which were not shown up earlier using the skin prick tests conducted at KKH the year before.

First, her Bioresonance therapists helped her to get rid of her allergens.  Then the therapist started working on our daughter’s constitution.  We were also advised to complement the therapy sessions with enzymes and other nutritional supplements. Today, our daughter is 80% to full recovery and needs only fortnightly sessions. She can now have a little of her indulgent food such as ice cream, have uninterrupted sleep and most importantly, living life as a normal teenager would. **

*Therapist’s note:

This patient’s younger brother also started developing bouts of itchiness all over the body around Sept 2010, without obvious triggers. The mother having learnt from past experience with the daughter, had recognized that her son too was showing early symptoms and started him on bioresonance therapy immediately. Only after 3 sessions, all symptoms disappeared. This proves that if/when the problem is arrested early on, the body recovers much quickly and easily.

36 year old female from Jakarta, Indonesia.

I suffered from patchy, red, itchy skin on my face since 2001. It always comes and goes, but it never completely went away as it would be triggered by weather change or stress. I had seen numerous doctors, dermatologists and skin specialists, applied countless types of creams, all with no permanent solution. On top on this, I recently developed heart palpitations, which can occur at any time of the day without any triggers.

One day I bumped into an old friend, who told me about bioresonance therapy and encouraged me to give it a try. I’m glad I did. Only after 3 sessions, my skin is no longer itchy, and my palpitation completely disappeared too! I can’t believe why I have not discovered of this type of therapy earlier, but I’m extremely glad that I did now!**

Testimony published with permission by Judy Sim, 62 

On 21 Feb 2010, I took some wheat biscuits and went to a nearby shop to buy some bread. When I was in the shop, my entire body started itching suddenly. While waiting for the lady to give me back my change, I suddenly felt too weak to stand and my knees buckled. The next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance heading to NUH. I was told that I had fainted in the shop. 

The doctors at NUH had put me under observation for 2 hours and they said they couldn't find anything wrong with me. I was sent home. I then made another appointment to see a doctor for my hives problem. They said they can't cure me, just to continue taking the anti-itch pills. They only told me to avoid any food that may trigger the attack. The attack was very bad and spread quickly all over my body. The itch drove me crazy and I cannot take it. I felt very sad that doctors can't help me, and was worried that if anything happened to me, my 14 year old daughter will be an orphan, as my husband passed away 3 years ago. 

My church friend recommended me to Healing Resonance. After months of treatment, my skin condition is now under controlled. Even if it comes occasionally,  it's only a very mild one and it goes away quickly without any medication. Now I can eat many other foods, including wheat. I am very happy. A very big thank you to Jovie for the encouragement. **


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